($33.84 – $39.23 hr)
We are accepting applications for the full-time (40hrs) position of Network Administrator/Technology Support Technician. Salary and a very generous benefits package including health/dental insurance (town pays 68% of the health and 75% of the dental) are in accordance with the CBA.
Description: Evaluates technology needs and coordinates services in town departments; responds to user inquiries concerning hardware or software performance; troubleshoots problems; provides training/assistance to computer users; ensures system security; and develops/installs/maintains security measures.
For a full job posting, please visit: https://www.wareham.ma.us/sites/g/files/vyhlif12101/f/pages/network_administrator.pdf
Subject to CORI/SORI check, pre-employment physical and drug test.
Please submit resume or Employment Application to: Dallen-england@wareham.ma.us